[ptx] Re: Renewing hugin OSX Distribution

Pablo d'Angelo pablo.dangelo at web.de
Wed Aug 9 01:30:39 BST 2006

Ippei UKAI schrieb:
> Can I try summarising a bit about the installation issues on OSX?
> The problem with HuginOSX+enblend on Mac is that the current 
> distribution is rather non-standard and not very obvious how to install. 
> It's based on the "Drug and Drop installation", but enblend is not 
> inside HuginOSX application but in the Tools folder separately. This is 
> the decision made by the project leaders so to clearly divide enblend 
> from hugin because it is from different project.
> Suggested change to hugin itself
> In the preference, the paths to enblend and autopano should be the 
> choice between "Search Default Locations" and "Specify custom path". On 
> Linux, "default search locatins" would be the bin search paths, and on 
> Mac, would be "Application Support" folders of user and system levels, 
> and inside the .app application bundle.

Yes, this might clarify things for the user. Do you want to add this yourself?

> Suggested Installation (HuginOSX and enblend)
> - 1x DnD (The best if ok to put enblend inside HuginOSX)
> HuginOSX: DnD
> enblend: Inside HuginOSX.app (If the user wants to use enblend from 
> commandline, download the tools package)

My vote is for putting enblend into the hugin bundle.

> Suggested Distribution of command line tools

Can the people interested in the command line tools not just open the bundle 
and use the files from there?

> - Current: as a directory, in the same download as HuginOSX+enblend
> - separate .tgz to download
> - .tgz in the same download as HuginOSX+enblend
> - Installer Pkg in the same download as HuginOSX+enblend


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