[ptx] Re: wxwidgets 2.5?

Rob Park rbpark at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 21:33:48 BST 2005

On 4/18/05, Rob Park <rbpark at gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyway, it doesn't matter, because I wasn't reading the compile error
> message closely enough. It was complaining about a missing boost,
> which I didn't really understand because I had boost installed. What
> it was really missing was libboost-graph-dev, which I installed, and
> now it's compiling happily (though it's not finished yet, hopefully I
> haven't spoken too soon).


$ ./src/hugin/hugin
Fatal Error: Mismatch between the program and library build versions detected.
The library used 2.5.3 (no debug,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI 102,wx
containers,compatible with 2.4),
and your program used 2.5.3 (no debug,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI
1002,wx containers,compatible with 2.4).

The ./configure output doesn't report any errors or warnings, make
runs just fine through the whole thing. That "102" vs "1002" (the only
difference between what it says it's using and what it says it has),
looks more like a typo than a genuine difference in anything. Anybody
know how to fix this?

I'm so close... if I can just get hugin going in gtk2, I'll have
everything I need to put together a tutorial for installing hugin on
ubuntu, and then an updated tutorial showing how the new versions of
everything works.

Urban Artography

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