Re: [ptx] AutoPano v1.00 release

Yili Zhao ylzhao at
Mon Mar 8 03:27:00 GMT 2004

Hi Alexandre,
  great. I tried it with your images. After several minutes, it separates them into two folders "pano0" and "pano1" except others which do not belong to any pano. 
  However, when I open pano0.pto or pano1.pto with hugin, there is a assertion errors:
  Assertion failed!
  Program: ...2004_03_04-19_06_win32\hugin-0.4\hugin.exe
  File: OptimizePanel.cpp
  Line: 290
  Expression: (int)optvec.size() == m_yaw_list->GetCount()
  I note it dependents on msvcr71, do you consider to dev under gnu?


======= 2004-03-08 03:07:29 您在来信中写道:=======

>What does this software ? 
>It takes a folder and looks for pictures in it. With them, it tries to find
>panoramas in this set of picture, by   analysing the pictures. The output
>will be the Panotools projects for the stitching process (of course control
>points are already in !). The result can be some Hugin, PtGui or PTAssembler
>project file.
>To be short : it finds panoramas in a set of pictures, creates the Panotools
>project files for them. Easy for lazzy people.
> for information and so
>   Alexandre jenny 

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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