[ptx] nona and hugin

JD Smith jdsmith at as.arizona.edu
Tue Jan 6 00:09:36 GMT 2004

On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 15:53, Pablo d'Angelo wrote:
> On Sun, 04 Jan 2004, Kevin wrote:
> > 	I was wondering, have you put in a switch in hugin to select between
> > PTStitcher and nona?  I couldn't find one, but it'd be nice if there were
> > one so you can just select which on you wanted to use.
> Probably its a good idea to make nona behave like ptstitcher, so that it
> could be used by other programs as well.. Then one could choose nona.exe
> or PTSticher.exe as the stitcher.
> hmm this would mean adding a simple progress toolbar gui to it, because
> windows requires one. also pt script parsing needs be become a bit more
> robust.
> In the meantime, I changed the arguments of nona to match the PTSticher
> arguments:
> nona -o output_file project.pto

And for all those users with existing PTStitcher script files who may
want to use nona, has there been any headway bringing the .pto script to
match the traditional Panotools script syntax?  If hugin is to have a
different script syntax, it should probably be a lot better than
Panotool's, not just slightly different.


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