Some errors

Pablo d'Angelo pablo at
Wed Oct 8 12:36:36 BST 2003

On Wed, 08 Oct 2003, Peter Suetterlin wrote:

>   Hi,
> yesterday I played around with the nightly tarball from Oct. 7.
> In general, everything worked very smooth.  
> Still, I stumbled across some errors/problems:
> - compiling.  gcc 2.95 did not like the filter.h in PanoImage.  It was
>   in DOS mode (CRLF), I think it's giving problems with escaping the
>   line break...

Hmm, strange.

> - (At least) the latest version seems to use the LANG setting for
>   formating the print output for the control file.  Now, german uses a
>   colon (,) for decimal point.  Of course, PTOptimizer&Co don't like
>   that....

I'm using a german locale too, but I didn't notice it so far. have to
check why it occurs. and how to turn it off for the iostream classes.

> - The information on color/brightness correction is not written to the
>   control file and thus it is not used...

that used to work, I must have broken it lately.

> - I'm doing sperical panos.  While the auto-fine-tune works perfectly
>   for the center row(*), it miserably fails when the camera is tilted
>   up or down as the image rotation between two parts is too huge.
>   A remapping aft is definitely needed there...

jep, I know. but thats a bigger step.. no time to do this at the
moment. Maybe I'll add this some time during the next week or so.

>   (*) did you improve the algorithm?  For the first ~100 points I
>   didn't get a single failure, so I provoked one to assure me it *is*
>   working... :-)

No, the xcorr routine is the same since a few months. I changed the
default parameters a few weeks ago, but thats all. Maybe youre picking
better points with the new auto zoom in/out mode? :)

is the fine tune fast enough for you?

> - In the image list, parameters stand as 'yaw, pitch. roll', whereas
>   in the input fields above the selected image they are 'yaw, roll, pitch'

I'll fix it.

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