line control points

Pablo d'Angelo pablo at
Tue Oct 7 08:02:52 BST 2003

On Mon, 06 Oct 2003, Peter Suetterlin wrote:

>   Hi Pablo,
> > > 1) How is 'vertical line mode' supposed to work?  I choose two
> > >    (different) points in the left and right image that are supposed to
> > >    be on a vertical line?  Before, I was always using one point as
> > >    reference and many other points to lie on a line...

Oh, its just two point that are supposed to be vertical. so you have to
add the first point over and over again, if it is the same.

Changing the line mode should be done after a point has been added, else
you will probably change the currently selected point.

I think this is how it is supported in the pano tools script language.
correct me if I'm wrong.

> So I would prefer an approach where you mark one point in the 'source'
> image, and then are able to select as many points as you like in the
> other image that are matched against that point....
> > Control lines (t3 and higher, in PT script speak) are not supported right
> > now.
> Hmm, is that what I'm talking about?  But I was using t1 mode for the
> procedure above...

for t3,t4, ..., tx and so on can supply multiple point that
should lie on a straight in the output panorama. Isn't supported by the
official release, but its included in max lyons patched sourcecode.

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