windows compilation

Yili Zhao ylzhao at
Thu Oct 2 10:24:44 BST 2003

  I compiled hugin-20031001 successfully on my windows.
  I added three fisheye images, then initialized some parameters
like projection model, yaw, hfov etc. Then I selected some control
points (the fine tune sometimes failed, but not bad),and optimzed 
the distance (it seems that no optimized window appear) and got 
the result (distance less than one), then I stitched the images 
and got a full spherical panorama. Very impressive by hugin.
  It seems that hugin can not find the temp directory on windows.
If hugin can add more information about optimized result maybe useful.
The preview window needs some improvement, maybe add some drag function
and alpha blending.
  Thanks Pablo for your great work, and please keep on.


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