windows compilation

Pablo d'Angelo pablo at
Thu Oct 2 08:58:33 BST 2003

On Thu, 02 Oct 2003, Yili Zhao wrote:

> Hi,
>   I compiled hugin-20031001 successfully on my windows.
>   I added three fisheye images, then initialized some parameters
> like projection model, yaw, hfov etc. Then I selected some control
> points (the fine tune sometimes failed, but not bad),and optimzed 
> the distance (it seems that no optimized window appear) and got 
> the result (distance less than one), then I stitched the images 
> and got a full spherical panorama. Very impressive by hugin.
>   It seems that hugin can not find the temp directory on windows.

Yili, you seemd to have written something under windows before, do you
know how I can get the tempdir?

> If hugin can add more information about optimized result maybe useful.

Its really strange, because PTOptimizer usually opens a progress window
by itself. I don't know why this doesn't happen.

> The preview window needs some improvement, maybe add some drag function
> and alpha blending.

drag would be nice, a circular crop for the fisheye images is definately
needed to get rid of the black strips around the images.

>   Thanks Pablo for your great work, and please keep on.


Please use PGP

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