[ptx] Re: manual ctrl point creation

Pablo d'Angelo pablo.dangelo at web.de
Mon Aug 14 20:44:22 BST 2006

Hi JD,

> > Right, but my point is that "not yet added" and "easily removed" are (if
> > implemented correctly) entirely equivalent, so that if all points are
> > automatically added, independent of the zoom-in/zoom-out, etc. modes,
> > but the latest point is left "active" until something is done to create
> > a *new* point, a simple delete can remove it.

Isn't this the behaviour if "auto-add" is switched on? The point that has
just been added will be the selected one. Pressing the "del" key will delete it.

> > This I think would
> > present a much easier to understand interface to the new user, with
> > fewer options to puzzle over.  The zoom-out person could click,
> > (auto-)zoom to 100%, nudge the position if they got it close, and if
> > they don't like what they see, hit delete.

But then how do you zoom out again, if you want to select the next point?
Then one needs another key or mousebutton for this.

> > Things like this could cut
> > down on interface clutter and make Hugin a bit more approachable.

> > That said, the biggest interface issue, in my opinion, is to get the
> > column list widgets to behave.  On both Linux and OSX, the columns start
> > too small, they don't resize to fill the full space available, and the
> > text in the column headers is often cut off at the bottom.  These may
> > all be wxWidgets deficiencies, but if the widget layout issues could get
> > dealt with, this would improve the "first glance" interface impression
> > by about 2x.

Yep, little annoying things. But unfortunately I don't have time to spend a
day or so on this right now.


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