[ptx] GUI Cross Platform Development

Carsten Schurig cs_teawbdifws_001 at gmx.net
Thu Mar 10 21:10:56 GMT 2005

On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 22:41:15 +0100 (CET) Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:

> Well, I do most of my programming now in fltk. It runs natively
> at least on quartz, but looks the same on every platform - no aqua
> buttons. For nearly all advanced widgets one need to look around

But looking the same on every platform isn't good, because it
should look like  the rest of the applications on the platform does!
On unixes the users are used to many different looks (that doesn't
mean it's good) but on Windows (and I think on MacOS too) users are

Actually I don't care what toolkit is used but I do care whether
applications "fit" into my GUI. So if there's a Gome/GTK2 app
available I'll use rather this than a similar Qt application. I
don't care for the overhead of Qt/KDE or Gtk/Gnome. As I use
applications of both "world" the libs are loaded anyway at almost

Therefor I think Red Hats Bluecurve design is a good way. As user I
don't care what library the developer does like to code with...


..., but a real alchemical laboratory should be full of the kind of
glassware that looked as if it were produced during the Guild of
Glassblowers All-Comers Hiccuping Contest.
	(T. Pratchett: Feet of Clay)

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