[ptx] autopano-sift-1.6-win-1.zip(Sebastian) successfully used onlarge multirows

Mike Runge mike at trozzreaxxion.net
Thu Sep 23 09:00:49 BST 2004

Sorry Torsten, sorry all,
I spreaded cunfusion again :-(

I tried the package of Sebastian yesterday again on another pano and got
the same unusable results like Torsten. I wasn't able to verify waht
the problem is. I thought it was due to the kind of pano I used (lot of
sky). Pablo is right, it happens due to the obsolete ',' (engineering
style) for large values.

But I successfully did a pano using autopano-sift 1.6 - so what happend?!
I just did a test again (today) with a mix of several packages:
- autopano-sift-1.6-win-1.zip (Sebastian)
- windows-1.6-bin.zip (Chris)

So what I really used is the package of Chris, but libsift.dll and
generatekeys.exe from Sebastian. This seems to work fine and don't gave
me the obsolete ','.

For better understanding:
This is a part of the .pto-file autopano-sift.exe from Chris creates:
# match list automatically generated
c n0 N1 x276 y169 X287 Y1356 t0
c n0 N1 x1385 y327 X1365 Y1496 t0
c n0 N1 x1398 y608 X1405 Y1778 t0
c n0 N1 x1026 y817 X1035 Y2007 t0

This is a part of the .pto-file autopano-sift.exe from Sebastian creates:
# match list automatically generated
c n0 N1 x219,788999 y351,794915 X220,585701 Y1.526,883875 t0
c n0 N1 x587,678750 y151,858958 X586,382019 Y1.339,611416 t0
c n0 N1 x1.385,348700 y326,922171 X1.364,531331 Y1.495,781311 t0
c n0 N1 x1.381,541365 y703,912238 X1.398,760926 Y1.879,926967 t0

if you like please try the mix I currently use (works fine for me):

I hope Sebastian will have the time to provide a new and complete package
to end up the confusion I started.

@Sebastian, Chris:
The created .pto-file includes obsolte lineend characters (^M), but they
don't seem to disturb hugin.

@all: Again, sorry for the confision.

best, mike

On 9/23/2004, "Pablo dAngelo" <Pablo.dAngelo at web.de> wrote:

>Thorsten Vieth <t.vieth at gmx.de> schrieb am 23.09.04 06:55:51:
>> Hi all,
>> Mike, thanks for the clarification. I now tried again on my PC and I get
>> autopano-sift to work now without eating my RAM... So, it runs through,
>> using the included vbs file on my images, and it also creates a
>> hugin.pto file. The only problem I now have is that the control points
>> generated by autopano-sift are WAY OFF! There is not  a single usable
>> one.
>I assume you are using sebastians win32 version posted here. Unfortunately,
>that prints the number > 1000 with an additional delimiter: 1,200.3 or soemthing
>like that. hugin can't handle that. If that is true, remove the "," with your favorite
>text editor.
>I hope Sebastion will release a small update to autopano-sift that corrects that soon.
>Then Autopano-sift can really be used on windows.
>  Pablo
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