[ptx] windows-1.6-bin.zip (Chris) successfully used on large multirow

Mike Runge mike at trozzreaxxion.net
Tue Sep 21 10:09:41 BST 2004

Kudos to Sebastian, Chris and Ian.
Yesterday I got the patched package of Chris running on my PC (wXP).
I often tried to do large multirows (e.g. 24 images in 3 rows) with
autopano or the older versions of autopano-sift. But the stitching
quality always was behind my 'self-picked' versions. I thought that
spreading of the points might be a reason for this. While defining
points by hand I try to spread the points over the whole overlap (like
the points for a "5" on cubes). So it looks like the last innovation
in autopano-sift 1.6 might be addressed exactly for my kind of problem.

it works fine :-)
I ran autopano-sift across 24 images with a mindim of 700, 5 points per
pair, ransac was on. I was able to load the outcoming pto-file into
hugin, specified my lens paramters and optimized for y, than for y,p,
than for y,p,r, than for the lens parameters.
I removed all controlpoints with deviations above 5 (nice new hugin
feature) and did optimisation across all parameters except v again.
Here's what I got:

All previous non-manual attempts had visible faults. This one is still
not perfect (needs some vertical lines), but I never reached this
quality before using autopano or older autopano-sift versions.

Thanks a lot for you work - you guys are really great :-)

best, mike

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