[ptx] autopano-sift-1.6-win-1.zip, No more Gtk#. Windows users please test :)

Ippei UKAI ippei_ukai at mac.com
Mon Sep 20 17:39:18 BST 2004

I've just downloaded the file and did the first test on Mac + Mono.
Well, I don't know how to use it, so I just lunched the programs. At 
least the first look seems OK.
This means OSX users as well would be able to use autopano-sift without 
any compilation; just install mono binaries and can do it!
Thanks, and please keep your work! I'm looking forward to seeing the 
working version.

ippeipbg4:~ ippei$ mono 
autopano-sift, Automatic panorama generation program

usage: autopano.exe [options] output.pto keys1.xml keys2.xml [..]

   --ransac <on|off|1|0>   Switch RANSAC filtration on or off (default: 
   --maxmatches <matches>  Use no more than the given number of matches
                           (default: 16, use zero for unlimited)
   --disable-areafilter    Do not use max-area filtration, which is 
                           See manpage for details.

Alignment options
   --align                 Automatically pre-align images in PTO file.
   --bottom-is-right       Use in case the automatic algorithm fails.
   --generate-horizon <c>  Generate up to 'c' horizon lines.

output.pto: The output PTO panorama project file.
     The filename can be "-", then stdout is used
key<n>.xml: The keypoint input files.
     The input files can be gzip compressed, but require the ".gz" 

Notice: for the aligning to work, the input images shall be
   1. All of the same dimension and scale
   2. The first images must be an ordered row. See manpage.

ippeipbg4:~ ippei$ mono 
SIFT Keypoint Generation

usage: generatekeys.exe image output.key [minDim]

image: Image file (any common format: JPEG, PNG, TIFF, ..)
output.key: Output keypoint file
     The output file can be stored in gzip compressed format by appending
     ".gz" to the filename.
minDim: (optional) Downscale resolution
     The image is repeatedly halfed in size until both width and height
     are below 'minDim'.

  >>> 鵜飼 一平  (UKAI Ippei)  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
   My general e-mail and AIM:  ippei_ukai at mac.com
   Homepage:  http://homepage.mac.com/ippei_ukai/

On 18 Sep 2004, at 15:17, Sebastian Nowozin wrote:

> Hello everybody and sorry to bother all non-users ;-)
> Attached is a small zipfile that contains the bare minimum of 
> autopano-sift 1.6
> with all dependencies removed, only a .NET framework is required.  To 
> use the
> file, just download the normal 1.6 release and copy over the 
> executeable files.
> Then you should be able to use it without installing Gtk#, as long as 
> you do
> not use any of the other tools (showone.exe, showtwo.exe, 
> autopanog.exe).
>   If everything works well, and you all get it to work, then I will 
> put up a
> new release shortly.  Btw, as extra motivation ;), the attached 
> executeables
> also produce subpixel coordinates in the resulting PTO files.  Linux 
> users can
> also use the files without problems, but Mono's implementation of the
> System.Drawing namespace is still ugly, which leads to bad scaling of 
> images,
> so only replace autopano.exe, not generatekeys.exe.
> Thanks in advance,
> Sebastian
> -- 
> nowozin at cs.tu-berlin.de --- http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/
> <autopano-sift-1.6-win-1.zip>

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