[ptx] External command line tools used by Hugin

Ippei UKAI ippei_ukai at mac.com
Wed Sep 15 13:22:11 BST 2004

I'm just wondering what command line tools are used by hugin app, as I 
need them for mac.

I found autopano, autopano-sift, PTstitcher, nano, and enblend as I 
explore hugin app.

Is autopano_old just an old version of autopano? autopano seems to have 
no opened source, so I may have to ask the author to bring it to Mac. 
But if old one works, hugin should have autopano_old option in Feature 
Matching. As to autopano-sift, it is not my job now to port it to Mac, 
but should not be very difficult as there is GTK# for Mac.

As to PTstitcher, it seems to have no opened source, so it is 
impossible to bring it to Mac OS X. But anyway, when I choose 
PTstitcher for stitching and try to stitch, Hugin hangs. This is a bug 
to fix.

Stitching with nona, which is in the menu in Stitcher panel, works fine 
even though I have no nona executable on my machine. Is it correct that 
nona is integrated inside hugin and not external?

Enblend, of which I found GUI tool and executable, Xblend 
(http://www.kekus.com/xblend/), has option in nona stitching panel, but 
has never been selectable. This one should be able to deal in the same 
way as windows does.
I tried out Xblend with multi-tiff stitched panorama image. It returned 
me the error exactly same as I got with using hugin compiled with 
libtiff without lzw-compression-kit. Not only Xblend but many other 
applications can't open tiff internally compressed. Is it possible to 
use libtiff without compressing option? It is more standard way of 
using libtiff, I suppose.

  >>> 鵜飼 一平  (UKAI Ippei)  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
   My general e-mail and AIM:  ippei_ukai at mac.com
   Homepage:  http://homepage.mac.com/ippei_ukai/

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