[ptx] HuginOSX news

Pablo dAngelo Pablo.dAngelo at web.de
Tue Sep 7 09:04:35 BST 2004

Ippei UKAI <ippei_ukai at mac.com> schrieb am 07.09.04 07:43:02:

> Well, I thought it would be better if someone represents the project 
> registered the creator.
> What do you, people in the list, think?

Since I'm not a mac person, I didn't even know that a creator code existed.
The form at the apple site says:

"Resource and file types no longer need to be registered." 

So do we need to register it? I don't like to leave my home address on webpages.

Ippei, I'll download your changes and start merging them back in, after I have commited
the current changes I have done (My internet connection at home is broken, so I can't commit my stuff right now..)

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