[ptx] On the organization of the hugin src

Yili Zhao ylzhao at vip.sina.com
Thu Mar 25 23:48:52 GMT 2004


Pablo wrote:  
>2. Usage of strange C++ template image processing library.
Though VIGRA is a bit strange, it is flexible, and maybe most image processing of hugin can be dependent on it.  

>3. Usage of wxWindows for the GUI (.. I'm not really happy with it too ..)
However, I think wxWindows (now wxWidgets) is the best C++ based GUI for cross platform development. Has other candidates? 

>My plan is to have a new release which works with the Alexandres autopano
>stuff, and maybe with enblend integration. After that, it would be a good time for some code cleanup, I think.
Maybe after version 0.5 released, refactory, redesign, cleanup and good document are necessary. 


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