[ptx] Why Tiff ? :)

Mike Runge mike at trozzreaxxion.net
Tue Apr 27 22:59:38 BST 2004

Hi jb,

in the moment there is no ligther solution than using the unnessesairy 
large Tiff's - enblend needs that format to know the position of the 
individual images. As far as I understood Pablo and Alexandre the 
following process is planned:
- Using hugin with the (much faster) stitcher nona, that is designed to 
output much smaller Tiff's with only the 'needed' image content + the 
required transition information just as embedded coordinates
- enblend will be enabled to read that format and will (hopefully) work 
much faster/require less memory due to the smaller files.

Pablo and Alexandre will probably be able to tell you more detailed 
information and timings. For the moment I'm very happy withe the current 
process. It's like you said a bit slow and consuming a lot of resources, 
but it's at least much faster and much more comfortable than equalising 
brightness/colour differences by hand. And - depending on the individual 
skills of image manipulation - it will give better results. At least it 
does it for me ;-)

best, mike
jb wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>Hi all :)
>And very good job for PT and Hugin that works perfectly...
>(a little bit hard to install under mdk 10, but now it works fine :)  )
>(thanks for SRPMs !!!)
>Just 2 questions (newb questions I think...) : 
>I make a pano with autopano and hugin then to use enblend, I save pano as 
>multiple tiff. (with masks seems not to be supported by enblend...doesn't 
>Is ther another (lighter) solution ? For 2 picture (3000*1000) an enblend 
>compute takes loooooooot of time (3 minutes on a 1800+)
>Why do not have implemented xcf format in Hugin/enblend ? Is Tiff format best 
>solution ?
>Sorry for my noooooobs question.
>Clear skies, 
>								Jean-Baptiste BUTET
>PS : I've forgot : enblend 1.2, Hugin 0.4pre
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