buggy HFOV calculation (hugin_2003_10_28-10_55_win32.zip)

Mike Runge mike at trozzreaxxion.net
Thu Oct 30 13:46:17 GMT 2003


I think your Mail has accidently gone just back to me - I added the ptx-list,
what hopefully was your intention. 

>Hmm, have to take a look at that.. I just added it quickly when I had a few
>minutes to spare..

It works, but it isn't understandable.

>Hmm.. it should be either always the KB (KB = 35 mm film) value or the
>real value, but not both. well, things get a bit more messy once multiple
>lenses with different factors are used.. have to think about that.

maybe three fields (KB focal length, real focal length and HFOV) are a

>What does the typical user want to type in? 35 mm eqivalent or the real,
>physical focal lenght?

Good question. 35mm equivalent is the 'standard', but the real focal length
do not need a special exif reader that knows the cam and the correspondig
multiplier. But if you want the user to keyin the real focal length, hugin
needs to know these multipliers. Can become difficult for users with brandnew
cams. Therefore 3 fields would be good.

>Therefore the value calculated and the value entred have to be in the same

>Add the stupid problem I'm having with the wxwindows text input fields..

Yes, even if the value calculated and the value entered are in the same mode
you will have problems due to 'rounded' values (Is that correct?! I mean
'Rundungsfehler') that will imply a small change everytime the corresponding
field is tabbed again ...  

PTgui has a very complex looking solution for that where you manually can
enter crop factor, sensor sizes, etc.. I don't think that this is needed in
that complexity and it can be confusing too.   

best, mike

Mike Runge
Volksgartenstr. 21 
40227 Duesseldorf

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