Outlines in Panorama Preview?

Pablo d'Angelo pablo at mathematik.uni-ulm.de
Sun Oct 26 21:54:37 GMT 2003

Hi Ed,

On Sun, 26 Oct 2003, Ed Halley wrote:

> In addition to the image visibility toggles for the previewer, I suggest
> two new buttons:
>     Show Outlines
>     Current Images Only

Jep, might be interesting to have. Unfortunately I don't have the time 
to spend to much time on that right now. I really want to add some
completely automatic control point creation. So all the GUI interface stuff
is just a "burdon" to on the way to get there. Not that I do not value having a
nice GUI, but unfortunately I have to set priorities.

For me right now that is:
1. better interface to the optimizer
2. start coding some interesting recognition stuff
2. add vignetting correction somewhere.
3. access some more pt functionality (needed by some gui parts and
   the automatic control poitn stuff.
   it is probably also needed to implement the show outlines. lens
   distortion support also needs to be added to the preview.

I've looked at your homepage a little bit and it seems that you also know
how to program :) wxWindows is a bit MFC like, so if you want to contribute
code for your ideas, it would be great :)

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