
JD Smith jdsmith at
Mon Oct 6 20:50:31 BST 2003

On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 10:37, Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Mon 06-Oct-2003 at 10:05:31AM -0700, JD Smith wrote:
> > On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 04:09, Pablo d'Angelo wrote:
> > > 
> > > Jep, seems like this already happend on the Mac, and somebody
> > > rewrote PTStitcher and PTOptimizer for Mac OS X. But its not
> > > opensource either... :(
> > 
> > This seems like a violation of the GPL, which libpano is released
> > under, to me.  Had libpano been LGPL'd, closed-source derivatives
> > would be allowed, but I think this is a violation.
> Both ptgui and ptmac link to the libpano library - Helmut seemed to
> be happy with that (at least he knew about it and didn't complain).
> There is more of an issue for us with PTStitcher and PTOptimizer,
> they are licensed under the GPL but we have no source code.  Helmut
> could ask us to stop distributing them.

Technically, we could ask Helmut to distribute source for them, since
they are derivative works.  Of course, as the sole author, he is free to
license them however he sees fit, but then he'd need to release them
with a libpano under a different license, which he never did AFAIK. 
That's just a technicality, though.  We are all so indebted to his hard
work that it's frankly not worth pursuing.  I for one hope he isn't
hesitating to release them based on IPIX threats.


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