
Yili Zhao ylzhao at
Mon Oct 6 03:28:00 BST 2003

Pablo wrote:
>I also can't use ptstitcher's algorithm for seaming since it appears to
>be implemented in the PTStitcher binary, not the pano12 library.
But I see there are some piece of code for seaming in pano12 library.

>I don't think I'll port hugin to another toolkit, but I interested in
>seeing trying your program, to smoothen the hugin workflow.
>Contrary to PanoPoints I want to add some image processing /
>semi or fully automatic control point creation, not just a a smart UI to
>make picking points easier.
I think the framework of hugin is stable now. Do you mean that user only 
need to hit a "create control points" button, then some control points will
be added to images automatically, then after optimizing, control points
with large distance will be deleted ? 


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