hugin updates

Pablo d'Angelo pablo at
Mon Oct 6 19:32:09 BST 2003

On Mon, 06 Oct 2003, Mike Runge wrote:

> Looks good,
> with the execptions already mentioned by others.
> Pablo,
> can it be, that the specified output dimension is not supported by now and
> hugin always takes the maximum output?

I think there is a problem with reading the controls under windows. have
to check..

> Can it futher be, that TIFF-output is not working at this stage and only
> JPG-output works?

I hade made an error and wrote wrong PTStitcher scripts for the
PT_nomask option.

> I though about having  a selector for the referenz image (for position, not
> for colour correction) in the optimizer window?!. 'Select All' (in optimizer)
> should exclude the toggles for the selected image. What do you think? 

I planned to put in into the images panel, since this is where one can
set the image orientation. but haven't implemented it yet, so the
control is disabled.

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