
Mike Runge mike at
Mon Oct 6 10:10:50 BST 2003

Hi Pablo,

>Looks really nice!
Thanks *g*

>I think I'll go for idea2, where there are two small magnified windows.
>which can be used to correct the wrong aft point. maybe its useful to
>to have a (optional) separate fine tune with a much smaller search area (a
>pixels) for these. probably I should also add a key to jump the mouse
>cursor the the small window then.

I prefer #2 as well. 'Auto-center-view' or somthing like that (like in
PTOpenGui) would be required. Having two smaller windows would be good as
well for control, not only to correct mismatches. But I agree to your older
statements, that aft fails visible, if it fails ;-)

>> Optimizer fails completely in my example, as well as the preview fails :-(
>> got no values neithes a message from optimizer. It runs a few seconds and
>> nothing I got back?!
>Strange. Must be a problem with the windows version.

Don't worry about that, I found the reason:
I stored my pics in subfolders (row1, row2) to make it easier to identify
them. When I tried to open the pto-file reading images fails (path is stored
in the pto-file).

I compiled hugin-20031006.tar.gz a few minutes ago. Moving the images to the
basedir (where the ptofile lives) solves the problem - optimizer and preview
were good. Stitcher actually runs ;-)

best, mike 

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