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<div>I am trying to correct cta by using fulla, but cannot get the right parameters.</div>
<div>The result after correct shows little difference. I try both correct f & c and f,a,b & c.</div>
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<div>My parameters are here:</div>
<div>fulla -r -0.0013514045933680017:0.0031024187860407408:-0.002181135058253964:1.0005601338173964 \<br> -b -0.002639662057573752:0.004339583696649744:-0.0019104358655632307:1.000194532887474 \<br> 1.tif</div>
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<div>Original tif can be see: <a href="http://www.shiweicn.cn/fulla/1.tif">http://www.shiweicn.cn/fulla/1.tif</a> (about 17.46M)</div>
<div>Result tif is <a href="http://www.shiweicn.cn/fulla/1_corr.tif">http://www.shiweicn.cn/fulla/1_corr.tif</a> (about 17.18M)</div>
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<div>Can somebody help?</div>
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<div>p.s. I am using NIKON D50 and Sigma 8mm fisheye lens.</div>
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