[ptx] Re: Compiling Hugin on OSX/intel

David Warman djw at exbiblio.com
Fri Jul 28 00:09:02 BST 2006


I too am having some issues building for this platform, but not quite  
the same ones: I get to the final HuginOSX link stage, then get  
wxString and wxWindow undefined symbol errors (e.g. . The libraries  
are present, but on deeper inspection with otool the name-mangling is  
different, e.g:

XCode: __ZN12wxStringBase6appendERKS
Makefile: __ZN12wxStringBase6appendEmw or  

So far I have been unable to determine exactly why this is, other  
than perhaps wxWidget compiles all its .cpp code with g++ in its  
makefile (monolibs), while XCode is building the client .cpp code  
using gcc, or that wxWidget uses -fno_strict_aliasing. But I have  
also had bad experiences changing this kind of thing elsewhere -  
rippling breakages - and suspect there is a simpler configuration I  
should know about. Anybody have any ideas?

System Info:
MacBook Pro 15", OS X 10.4.7, XCode 2,3; the machine has only just  
been set up and I have not yet had time to personalize its  

BTW: I entered in to building the app myself because of the way  
autopano-sift zombied instead of returning to hugin, and then because  
of the crash during enblend with 40 images. Both of which others have  
also noticed, but I see no solution posted yet. Now if I could just  
get built, maybe ...

Thanks all, and also for the platform!

David Warman
djw at exbiblio.com

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