[ptx] autopano jpg png

Beatriz Botero bboteroh at googlemail.com
Sat Nov 26 05:58:01 GMT 2005

I need some help with Autopano-Sift-2.4. The program does not not read 
my .jpg files. It only works with png-files, so I have to change the 
original photos from the camera from .jpg to .png. Furthermore I cannot 
use Exif in Hugin. The same files in jpg format can be handled in Hugin 
with the control points set up manually.
Using autopano from a shell delivers the following message:
------------ quote ---------------

$ /usr/local/bin/autopano-complete.sh -o /tmp/hugin.pto STA_0168.JPG 
Remaining arguments (2):
--> `STA_0168.JPG'
--> `STB_0169.JPG'
SIFT Keypoint Generation

Unhandled Exception: GLib.GException: Couldn't recognize the image file 
format for file 'STA_0168.JPG'
in <0x000a1> Gdk.Pixbuf:.ctor (System.String filename)
in <0x0002a> DisplayImage:.ctor (System.String filename)
in <0x000e3> GenerateKeys:Main (System.String[] args)
----------- end of quote -------------

Any help will be appreciated.

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