[ptx] suggestion: limiting parameters

J. Schneider j-schneid at web.de
Sat Jun 18 11:07:37 BST 2005

Sorry, again one mail went to Pablo and not to the list. Here it comes 
in the proper place:

Pablo d'Angelo wrote:

 > No. this would require changes to pano12.dll and PTOptimizer.

I was afraid this would concern also pano12.dll. If it was only 
PTOptimizer: it is not used when using nona, so you just couldn't use 
this feature when using PTOptimizer. (BTW: where does the name come 
from?). But so this involves changes to another core component of 
Panorama Tools. Which means, I guess, that even if you actually 
considered implementing this it would not be done quickly and easily.

 > ... And I'm not sure how this could be implemented nicely. Ideally we 
would have to replace the current levenberg marquardt minimizer inside 
pano12.dll with one that can handle bounds.

To me as non programmer this sounds like a heart transplantation - and 
nothing that is done in half an hour. - Anyway: would you consider the 
idea worth keeping in mind?


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