[ptx] New readme files for Mac

Ippei UKAI ippei_ukai at mac.com
Sat Jun 11 22:22:32 BST 2005

Hello everyone,

I'm making the new readme file and autopano-sift introduction for  
next HuginOSX release (we are catching up with rc2).

Could anyone help me with
     1. English
     2. Formatting with HTML

Basically I'm not a native speaker of English and therefore all my  
writings sounds at best weird to native speakers. You don't need to  
be a Mac user at all. Of course it might be helpful if you are, but  
it does not matter. You can do anything to it; add, delete, change,  
simplify, clarify; just anything. (e.g. Readme file could have "about  
hugin" section that would be based on the common (not platform- 
specific) README file.)

Also, I want to start working on Japanese localisation of hugin, so  
it would be very helpful if someone could also complete the  
formatting of the documents in HTML or rtf (any format not bundled  
and easily convertible into PDF; I've been using .rtfd bundle but it  
does not work very well with CVS).


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Read Me - HuginOSX



License Agreements

The programs included in this package are mainly released under GPL although some of them contain different licenses. Please refer to the License and Readme files attached to each program. If you do not agree with any of those license agreements, please delete the relevant program immediately. HuginOSX's license follows that of hugin on the other platforms, which is found in "readme and license" folder.


Basic usage of HuginOSX is not different from that of other platforms. Some of helpful resources are found in the "Help" menu, and you can find more on the web. The basic steps are: 1.add images to the project, 2.set the degrees of view etc. of your lens, 3.add control points, 4.execute optimiser that puts the images in the best place according to the control points, 5.stitch the images together.

External commnad-line tools that can be used from inside hugin

- enblend  by Andrew Mihal, http://enblend.sourceforge.net/
This command-line program blends your panorama nicely. The binary file compiled for Mac is included together with its readme and license files in tools/enblend/. In order to use this program from within hugin, please turn on the "soft blend" option in Stitcher panel. When you use this option for the first time, you will be asked to specify where enblend is on your hard disk. You can also specify the path in the Preference. Alternatively, you can copy the binary file into HuginOSX's application bundle using attached PutEnblendToHuginOSX program. This allows you to put HuginOSX.app into Applications folder and delete other files. Please read the attached licence and readme files before use.

- autopano-sift  by Sebastian Nowozin, http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/autopano-sift/
This is a set of .Net programs that can automatically add control points. We are not including this software in this package. Please read the tutorial in tools/autopano-sift/ folder in order to set up this software for your Mac and hugin.

(PTStitcher from original Panorama Tools and autopano by Alexandre Jenny have no source available for public, and currently do not have MacOSX versions.)

Free tools for doing panorama on Mac

From hugin project and included in this package
- nona, nona_gui  Open source alternative to PTStitcher. hugin contains nona's functionality within itself and those executables are for use with other tools like clens.
- PanoGLViewerOSX  Displays 360ºx180º rectilinear panorama image using OpenGL. This program was originally written by Fabian Wenzel <f.wenzel at gmx.net>
- mergepto  Merges two hugin project files.

From other projects but whose binary file is distributed together
- clens  from Panorama Tools project, http://panotools.sourceforge.net/ 
- enblend  by Andrew Mihal, http://enblend.sourceforge.net/
(Please read the attached licence/readme files respectively before use.)

Other recommended free tools
- autopano-sift  by Sebastian Nowozin, http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/autopano-sift/
- XBlend  from Kekus Digital, http://www.kekus.com/xblend/
- MakeCubic  from Apple Computer, http://developer.apple.com/quicktime/quicktimeintro/tools/index.html#qtvr

Known Problems 

- autopano-sift sometimes does not work when nested inside the application package.

TODO (Any help appreciated.)

- find bugs. 


- See the homepage (http://hugin.sourceforge.net/) first.
- And SourceForge project page (http://sourceforge.net/projects/hugin) if you are interested in the developement.
- The mainling list for everyone who cares about hugin (http://www.email-lists.org/mailman/listinfo/ptx) would welcome any questions and/or helps from you.
- Recent OSX porting is mainly proceeded by Ippei UKAI (ippei_ukai at mac.com). He's on the above mailing list as well, so using the mailing list should work fine. Note he's a university student and probably busy during the term time.

Last modified for HuginOSX 0.5rc2
on: 2005-06-10
by: Ippei UKAI (ippei_ukai at mac.com)

This document was originally created by Ippei UKAI (Copyleft 2005)
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How to set up Autopano-SIFT on Mac for HuginOSX

Autopano-SIFT is a set of .Net programs that can automatically generate control points from a set of images. There are two ways of using Autopano-SIFT  from HuginOSX. One is very easy, but does not always work, and hence not supported. The other should work as long as you set up autopano-sift correctly, but it involves editing shell script. 

1. You need to install .Net environment called Mono. You can get its Framework installer package from <http://www.mono-project.com/Downloads>. You need administrator password for your computer.

2. Download Autopano-SIFT compiled for Mono environment from the author's homepage <http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/autopano-sift/>, and read its readme and license files.

3. If you'd like to try the method which is easier but may not work: please use PutAutopanoSiftToHuginOSX program comes with HuginOSX to put the relevant files into HuginOSX's application package. That's all. If this did not work, you can try the next method. 

If you tried step 3 and it did not work, please remove autopano-sift files inside the application bundle (e.g. rm -fR ./HuginOSX.app/Contents/Resources/autopano-sift) before the next step. From this step I assume you have some knowledge in unix.

4. We have to set up autopano-complete.sh comes with Autopano-SIFT. First, set AUTOPANO_PATH variable so that the script can find the .Net executables where ever the current path is. If you place the script and the executables in the same directory, `dirname "$0"` may work. Next, you need to replace every occurrence of "generatekeys.exe" with "generatekeys-sd.exe". Now the script should be ready. Launch the Terminal and try out the script. Typical usage would be "./autopano-complete.sh -o project.pto image1 image2" (-h option gives you the arguments you can use, but please note the long format with -- is not available on Mac and other BSD systems).

5. If the script works fine with you, then it should be ready for hugin as well. Please open hugin's Preferences and specify the path to the script in Autopano-SIFT section in Autopano tab. Alternatively, HuginOSX asks you the path when it cannot find the script at the specified path.

What exactly HuginOSX does:
HuginOSX has a customised script file inside the application bundle. If the script specified in Preferences does not exist, HuginOSX checks whether all three autopano-sift files (autopano, generatekeys-sd, libsift) are inside the bundle. If they are, HuginOSX calls its own script, or otherwise asks you to specify your own script. 

(This document was originally written by Ippei UKAI for HuginOSX 0.5rc2; Copyleft 2005)
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  ->> ?? ??  (UKAI Ippei) ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
   My general MSN, AIM, and E-Mail: ippei_ukai at mac.com
   Homepage:  http://homepage.mac.com/ippei_ukai/

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