[ptx] autopano-sift 2.2: match refinement

Sebastian Nowozin nowozin at cs.tu-berlin.de
Sat Jan 15 16:59:36 GMT 2005

Hello panorama enthusiasts,

I am proud to announce a new version of autopano-sift, version 2.2.  It adds a
refining step for the keypoints found in which a small part of the original
sized image is extracted for high precision matching (think "auto-refine" of
hugin on steroids ;-).  For the best matching results possible.

As always its available from


However, I have not gotten around to include the feature into the Windows GUI,
sorry (if somebody wants to help with that, patches are welcome).  The
refinement is only available on the command line and from the Gtk# GUI.

Here is the CHANGES.txt:

autopano-sift 2.2, libsift 1.7

  + Add best quality refinement of control point matches.  To enable this, run
    autopano.exe with "--refine".  Note that the original image files need to
    be available.  Further information available in the manpage.  (So far its
    not available in the native Windows GUI).
  + Add options to autopanog, the Gtk# GUI.
  + Update documentation.


nowozin at cs.tu-berlin.de --- http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/

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