[ptx] autopano-sift-1.6-win-1.zip(Sebastian) successfully used on large multirows

Thorsten Vieth t.vieth at gmx.de
Thu Sep 23 05:55:30 BST 2004

Hi all,

Mike, thanks for the clarification. I now tried again on my PC and I get 
autopano-sift to work now without eating my RAM... So, it runs through, 
using the included vbs file on my images, and it also creates a 
hugin.pto file. The only problem I now have is that the control points 
generated by autopano-sift are WAY OFF! There is not  a single usable 
one. I tried with several images, which worked fine with Alexandre 
Jenny's autopano, but autopano-sift only creates garbage control points. 
Any idea what could be causing this problem?


Mike Runge wrote:

>Hi all,
>sorry for the confusion - looks like I mixed up the package from Chris
>and the last one from Sebastian (autopano-sift-1.6-win-1.zip).
>So the posted pano was done with the executables of Sebastian.
>The package of Sebastian (autopano-sift-1.6-win-1.zip) works for me, if
>ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll and win-autopano-sift.vbs are added to the
>directory, where the executables resist. This directory has not to be
>within the system path, gtk#-runtime is not required and I don't needed
>to place one of the dll's in system32 or within the system path. I just
>have to drop the files onto win-autopano-sift.vbs - very nice.
>Sorry for the confusion - i tried several things to get it running and
>lost overview meanwhile :-( I hope my description is clear now.
>Again - thanks for the great work.
>best, mike
>On 9/21/2004, "Mike Runge" <mike at trozzreaxxion.net> wrote:

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