[ptx] autopano-sift without GTK# working, but unreadable number format

Pablo d'Angelo pablo.dangelo at web.de
Mon Sep 20 12:34:25 BST 2004

On Mon, 20 Sep 2004, Mike Runge wrote:

> I also didn't get it to run successfully - not even on the command line.
> I had the same problems with the previously posted win-binary of Chris.
> Am I doing something basically wrong:
> - I downloaded the archive and extracted the files into a directory,
> which is within the path.
> - in the command shell, I changed into a folder with some photos (3 Megs).
> - I ran 'generatekeys filename.jpg filename.key
> - generatekeys started with the following message:
> SIFT Keypoint Generation
> ===============================================================================
> The use of this software is restricted by certain conditions.
> See the "LICENSE" file distributed with the program for details.
> This software is provided for non-commercial use only. The University
> of British Columbia has applied for a patent on the SIFT algorithm in
> the United States. Commercial applications of this software may
> require a license from the University of British Columbia.
> ===============================================================================
> Building octave, (3070, 4094)
> but the process never ends :-(

use a lower resolution:
generatekeys.exe img.jpg img.key.gz 700

this should work. The autopano-sift.vbs script works for me. However,
the control point in the created hugin files are formatted very strangely:

c n0 N1 x1.263,844054 y990,737814 X17,907200 Y996,382658 t0

This is on Win XP, german edition

Now, hugin cannot deal with numbers: 1.263,844
Since I don't want to be dependant on the locale, my code uses both , and .
as delimiter for the fractional digits. However, this breaks here..

Sebastian, can you please change the printouts, so that sane, machine
readable coordinates are produced, something like:
c n0 N1 x1263.844054 y990.737814 X17.907200 Y996.382658 t0

Other than that, it runs like a charm. Probably it would be very useful to
provide a autopano-sift-windows.zip file with the following contents:


and a small README:

Drag image files onto win-autopano-sift.vbs.

Btw. I have changed the win-autopano-sift.vbs a tiny bit, now it asks:

Run autopano with the following settings:
*<yes>* <no> <cancel>

instead of:

Do you want to change the current settings:
<yes> *<no>* <cancel>

This a lot more intuitive to me.


-------------- next part --------------
' Contributed by Ian Sydenham <ian_sydenham at hotmail.com>,
' many thanks
'Script file to generate a Hugin pto file from a series of images.
'The images are all dragged and dropped onto the program icon.
'This routine calls generatekeys to generate sift keypoints
'then runs autopano to check matches and create a Hugin file.
'Both executables for generatekeys and autopano must be in the same directory as this script.
'The key files and Hugin pto file are generated in the same file as the images.

   Option Explicit   ' Force explicit variable declaration.

   'Check if the host script is recent enough
   If WScript.Version <2 Then
   	promptstr= "Visual Basic Script version 2 or greater is needed to run this script"&vbNewLine& _
   	        "Current version is " & WScript.Version & vbNewLine & _
   	        "Download the latest version from the Microsoft download site." & vbNewLine & _
   	        "Go to http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/search.aspx , then" & vbNewLine & _
   	        "select 'System Management Tools' from the download categories list," & vbNewLine & _
   	        "then search to find Windows Script for your version of Windows."& vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
   	        "Script will Exit"
   	msgbox promptstr,vbCritical, "Windows Script Update required" 
   End If
   'Set Constants and Variables
   Const KeyExt=".xml.gz"			'The file extension for keyfiles - added on to the image file name
   Const MinDim_dflt=1300
   Const Ransac_dflt="on"
   Const Ransac_on="on"
   Const Ransac_off="off"
   Const MaxMatches_dflt=16
   Const HuginFile_dflt="Hugin.pto"
   Const CleanKeys_dflt=false
   Const generatekeysExe = "generatekeys.exe"  'The executable for generateingkeys
   Const autopanoExe = "autopano.exe"             'The executable for autopano
   Dim WshShell, objArgs, ImageFile, KeyFile, i, Namepos, loopreply
   Dim dblquote, reply, promptstr, KeyFileList, shlcmd, HuginFileSet
   Dim MinDim, Ransac, MaxMatches, HuginFile,CleanKeys,DefaultBtn
   Public EchoMe,fso
   Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments 'The list of files dropped into this icon
   Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 

   ' When using drag and drop make sure that the external WScript.Run commands use the 
   ' correct "current directory". This is where the autopano and generatekeys exe files will be.
   ' Sets the 
   WshShell.CurrentDirectory = ScriptFilePath() 

   'If there is not at least one argument then show the usage information
   If (WScript.Arguments.Count < 1) Then
      'Nothing to do.
      promptstr = "usage: Autopano-complete.vbs image1 image2 [...]"&vbNewLine& _
        "or drag and drop the images onto this script's icon."&vbNewLine&vbNewLine& _
	"Options and Parameters are prompted within the script, not entered as command line parameters."&vbNewLine& _
        "Parameters are:"&vbNewLine& _
        "MinDim: Halve the size of the images until width and height are smaller than MinDim, default: "&MinDim_dflt&vbNewLine& _
	"MaxMatches: number of control points kept for each pair default: "&MaxMatches_dflt&vbNewLine& _
	"Ransac: Ransac detection enabled or disabled. Default: "&Ransac_dflt&vbNewLine& _
	"CleanKeys: True to overwrite (and not reuse) keypoints detected in earlier runs. Default: "&CleanKeys_dflt&vbNewLine& _
        "Huginfile: The full path and filename of the Hugin pto file to be created by Autopano. The default file is named "&HuginFile_dflt& " and is saved in the same directory as the first image file"&vbNewLine& _
        "The keyfiles are saved in the same directory as the images."
      msgbox promptstr, vbExclamation, "No Image Files to read"
   End If

   'Check if Windows scripting is using the command console, or Windows mode
   If instr(1,WScript.FullName,"cscript.exe",vbtextcompare)>0 then
   	'Using the cscript.exe executable which will NOT stop running to display an echo
   	'so echo messages to the console
   	'Must be using wscript.exe executable which WILL stop running to display an echo
   	'So do NOT echo messages to the console
   	promptstr= "This script was started using the default script interpreter WScript.exe." &vbNewLine& _
   	       "Consider using CScript.exe instead." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
   	       "WScript stops to display a pop-up window for any progress messages," &vbNewLine& _
   	       "so this script disables progress messages when started using WScript." &vbNewLine& _
   	       "CScript shows progress messages in the command window and continues." &vbNewLine& _
   	       "so this script enables progress messages when started using CScript." &vbNewLine&vbNewLine& _
   	       "To change to CScript.exe select Start->Run" &vbNewLine& _
   	       "then type WScript.exe //H:CScript and click OK." &vbNewLine& _
   	       "To change back do the same, but type CScript.exe //H:WScript"
      	msgbox promptstr, vbExclamation
   End If
   'Check &/or set the user parameters for generatekeys and autopano
   EchoThis "Checking parameters"
     promptstr="MinDim:" & cstr(MinDim) & vbNewLine & _
               "HuginFile:" & HuginFile & vbNewLine & _
               "MaxMatches:" & cstr(MaxMatches) & vbNewLine & _
               "Ransac:" & Ransac & vbNewLine & _
               "CleanKeys:" & Cleankeys 
     loopreply=msgbox(promptstr, vbYesNoCancel+vbDefaultButton1+vbQuestion, "Run autopano-sift with the following settings:")
     If loopreply=vbNo then
       MinDim=inputbox("MinDim", "Enter New Value", MinDim)
          HuginFile=inputbox("HuginFile", "Enter New Value", HuginFile)
       Loop Until reply=vbYes   
       MaxMatches=inputbox("MaxMatches", "Enter New Value", MaxMatches)
       If Ransac=Ransac_on Then DefaultBtn=vbDefaultButton1 Else DefaultBtn=vbDefaultButton2 End If
       reply=msgbox("Ransac Check",vbYesNo+DefaultBtn+vbQuestion,"Select New Value")
       Select Case reply
         Case vbYes
         Case vbNo
       End Select
       If CleanKeys=True Then DefaultBtn=vbDefaultButton1 Else DefaultBtn=vbDefaultButton2 End If
       reply=msgbox("CleanKeys (erase any existing keyfiles):",vbYesNo+DefaultBtn+vbQuestion,"Select New Value")
       Select Case reply
         Case vbYes
         Case vbNo
       End Select
     End If
   Loop Until (loopreply<>vbNo)
   If reply=vbCancel then
   End If
   if not HuginFileSet then
     'Check to see if the Hugin file will be overwritten
       if reply=vbno then  
      	 HuginFile=inputbox("HuginFile", "Enter New Value", HuginFile)
       end if
     Loop Until reply=vbYes         
   end if
   For i = 0 to objArgs.Count - 1
      If (fso.FileExists(ImageFile)) Then
         KeyFileList=KeyFileList+" "+dblquote+KeyFile+dblquote      
         If (fso.FileExists(KeyFile) and not CleanKeys) Then
            EchoThis "Using existing keypoint file: "+KeyFile
            EchoThis "Generating key file: "+KeyFile
            shlcmd=generatekeysExe & " " & dblquote&ImageFile&dblquote &" "&dblquote&KeyFile&dblquote&" "&cstr(MinDim)
            WshShell.Run shlcmd, , true
         End If
      End If
   EchoThis "KeyFiles Done"

   'Run Autopano
   if KeyFileList<>"" then
     EchoThis "Calling Autopano to create " & HuginFile
     shlcmd = "cmd /K " & autopanoExe & " --ransac " & Ransac & " --maxmatches " & MaxMatches & " " & dblquote&HuginFile&dblquote & " "&KeyfileList
     WshShell.Run shlcmd, , false
   end if

Function ScriptFilePath() 
'Returns the pathname of this script file - it the directory where this script file is saved.
   Dim Name_pos, Pathonly, deduct
   Namepos = InStrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, WScript.ScriptName, -1, 1)
   If Namepos >3 then 
   End If
   Pathonly = mid(WScript.ScriptFullName,1,Namepos-deduct)
End Function

Function FilePath(filespec)
'Returns file path (without file name) of filespec including the last \

   Dim f
   Dim Name_pos, Pathonly
   If fso.FileExists(filespec) then
     Set f = fso.GetFile(filespec)
     Namepos = InStrRev(f.Path, f.Name, -1, 1)
     Pathonly = mid(f.Path,1,Namepos-1)
    End If
End Function

Sub EchoThis(EchoString)
  If EchoMe Then WScript.Echo EchoString End If
end Sub

Function FileOverwriteCheck(FileName)
'returns true if the file does not exist, or exists and the user
'wants to overwrite it

   Dim reply,promptstr
   If (fso.FileExists(FileName)) Then
      promptstr="The File (" & HuginFile & ")already exists and will be overwritten."&vbNewLine& _
                "Is that what you want to do?"
      reply=msgbox(promptstr,vbYesNo+vbDefaultButton2+vbExclamation,"File will be overwritten")
   end if   

end Function

      "Is that what you want to do?"
      reply=msgbox(promptstr,vbYesNo+vbDefaultButton2+vbExclamation,"File will be overwritten")
   end if   

end Function

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