[ptx] autopano-sift 1.6 released: control-point coverage improved, bug fixes

Rob Park rbpark at ualberta.ca
Wed Sep 15 08:55:20 BST 2004

Bruno Postle wrote:
>>Bruno's RPMs are great of course, but they are out of date for 
>>autopano-sift (he has version 1.3 and libsift 1.1).
> This is because I need a sensible source of up-to-date mono/gtk#
> RPMs (that don't have to be downloaded in a zip file) and there were
> none last time I checked.

Mono provides yum repos for FC1, and FC2 of the RPMs, but I had some 
trouble doing the install that way (it was giving me dependency errors, 
like I had gtk-sharp and mono-core installed, but then it gave me weird 
errors about gtk-sharp depending on mono-core, "which is not provided" 
even though it was installed already).

Anyway, maybe you can have better luck than I did:


> Unfortunately autopano-sift-1.3 doesn't work from within hugin, it
> has to be run separately.

I noticed that, unfortunately. But why won't libsift 1.4 even compile? I 
have all the dependencies. Googling for "make: *** [utils] Error 2" is 
useless, it gets me a different error from pretty much every software 
project in existince... one says tcl/tk is missing, one says something 
else is missing... It is meaningless.

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