[ptx] huigin 0.4 installer
Yili Zhao
ylzhao at vip.sina.com
Sun Oct 31 01:20:04 BST 2004
Hi Marek,
thanks for this hugin windows installer :)
By the way, there is also another good installer: Inno Setup from http://www.innosetup.com
Maybe Pablo can replace the old viewer with panoglviewer in hugin extensions.
Best regards,
======= 2004-10-30 08:19:31 Marek wrote:=======
>I updated the installer and it now contains image libraries: jpeg62.dll
>libpng12.dll libtiff3.dll. It still doesn't contain pano12.dll - I
>figured since it required ptoptimizer and users ptstitcher, those would
>be installed separately anyway. Attached is the updated nsis script.
>The installation is at:
>Thanks to Doug for pointing it out. Please let me know if there's any
>more flows. Should I include panoglviewer.exe with the installation?
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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