[ptx] huigin 0.4 installer

spec at webtech.pl spec at webtech.pl
Mon Nov 1 03:32:31 GMT 2004

Pablo d'Angelo wrote:


>>>thanks for this hugin windows installer :)
>Yes, thanks! I've just tried it, and it seems to be ok, maybe a
>check for pano12.dll might be useful.
>The installer could then point users to the right webpage to download the
>dll, and PTOptimizer/Stitcher.
it's possible. We could also/instead warn people on the page they're 
downloading from that they need those things.
Could someone tell me why distribution of PTOptimizer could be 
considered illegal when distributed with hugin? is it just because there 
are no sources to that?
One thing I wouldn't definitely want to do is forcing installing 
pano12.dll - meaning installing hugin without pano12.dll would be 

>Another thing: What happens if people want to install a new version?
>Just installing it again, results in overwriting the old files, and leaving
>old files that have been removed from the distribution?
Exactly yes. This is the way 99% of installations work. They don't clean 
up after themselves. If you want to do that, unistall the previous 
installation and then install new one. Currently unistalling hugin will 
not delete the files user put there after installing plain hugin - like 
autopano or enblend.

>Hmm, maybe the viewer could be included in the hugin installer.
>but a separate installer and zip file might be useful as well.
This is a standalone .exe file so installer wouldn't really be needed (IMHO)

>I also have to add a html page describing panoglview to hugin.sf.net
Some time ago I built it - it's still available here - 
http://www.castlesofpoland.com/panoglview.exe . I think that a proper 
place for it is in snapshots. If you don't want to put it directly in 
there, maybe you could create a subdirectory called contrib for 
untrusted contributed files

Also I would really like if two most annoying (IMHO) bugs were fixed 
before the next release: 1034679 and 1038138. I hope I'm the only person 
here that things those are really critical :)


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