[ptx] Linux installation problems

Phil Endecott spam-from-ptx-list at chezphil.org
Sun Mar 14 18:51:44 GMT 2004

I wrote:
> I was getting on splendidly with Hugin until I pressed the "Stitch Now!"
> button.  It did nothing.  On investigation it seems that PTStitcher is
> invoked but fails.  Having saved the script from Hugin, if I run
> PTStitcher from the command line I get this:
> $ PTStitcher -o panop.jpeg scrpt
> Error Opening Scriptfile
> Could not load Scriptfile

Giles Morant replied:
> I think you will find appending a ".txt" to the end of the PTStitcher
> script filename  will fix matters.

Yes!  The original problem was that I named my input JPEG files as .jpeg. 
PTSticher insists that they are named vowel-free (.jpg).  It gives some
sort of error message (not a useful one) that Hugin doesn't report in its
GUI.  In my debugging I got the similar problem that Giles spotted, that
the script file must have a .txt extension.

I've also noticed that there are some issues with the case of the
extensions.  If I specify an output filename of a.jpg, two files are
created: a zero-length a.jpg and a.JPG containing the actual output.

It won't be possible to fix these problems without the source to
PTStitcher.  Is it true that PTStitcher is a thin wrapper around the
libpano library?  If this is the case, it may be best to make hugin talk
directly to the library.  Is this feasible?  (I may be able to volunteer
some time for this, if it is a reasonable thing to do.)



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