[ptx] Registration testcases

Sebastian Nowozin nowozin at cs.tu-berlin.de
Wed Jan 21 03:14:44 GMT 2004

Hi Pablo & *,

done the Muenster overview testcase tonight (30 minutes for keypoint
generation, 4 hours for the correlation), and the result is here:



I changed no control points, but optimizing the panorama was non-trivial.
Wouldn't it be possible to optimize the panorama incrementally? Like, starting
with picture 0 and all pictures sharing control points with picture 0. Then,
just add one picture to the optimization that shares control points with the
pictures already optimized. This way one would likely avoid the stuck
optimization problem. Or is it just me that has to fiddle with yaw/pitch
manually until the optimizer  gets out of a local minima?


nowozin at cs.tu-berlin.de --- http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/

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