[ptx] autopano: first attempt at semi-automatic panorama stitching

Pablo d'Angelo pablo at mathematik.uni-ulm.de
Sat Jan 3 08:49:30 GMT 2004

On Sat, 03 Jan 2004, Yili Zhao wrote:

> ED wrote:
> >if it was only the initial overlap which was the problem 
> >then I suspect that most users would be ecstatic if they merely had to 
> >visually drag the pictures into rough alignment and let the auto 
> >algorithm do the rest!  PTGui has a nice mode which lets you do this (as 
> >an example of an implementation).
> I aslo like that feature and think it is essential to initial parameters
> estimation, and it should be added in hugin wishlist for future implementation.

Hmm, while its nice to have such a thing, I won't have the time to implement
that in the next 2 months or so.

> For auto pano and initial params estimation, I have some notes:
> paper[2] said "To handle larger initial displacements, a hierarchical coarse-to-fine
> optimization scheme can be used". From below URL 
> http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/576/03sp/projects/project2/project2.htm
> you can dowload a skeleton code (VC6 and VC7) and a sample executable program. It seems
> that the so called "hierarchical coarse-to-fine" is a Lucas-Kanade distortion.

The KLT I'm using already works with an image pyramid.

> Pablo, since you have some experience with KLT, if you have time, maybe you can read the
> papers and the pages roughly and give some comments.

Sorry, need to work on my thesis.

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