[ptx] Finally tried Autopano... not as good as Hugin's copy of autopano_old

Ed Halley ed at halley.cc
Mon Apr 26 13:09:34 BST 2004

I finally tried the autopano program as published at
http://autopano.kolor.com/ but found that it did not work as easily or
nicely as the autopano_old which is included in the recent Hugin builds.

I shot four easy one-row panoramas at a park, and gave the folder to
autopano.  Instead of four subdirectories, it gave 11.  Most of the
"panoramas" it found were just two shots.

I prefer the old version's usage pattern:  I tell it what images apply,
and what script it should write, and it should work hard to accept them

I also don't want my images moved around into subdirectories; if the
algorithm makes a mistake I have to go hunting for the files and move
them back before retrying.

These behaviors do not appear to be available by command-line switches
in the newer version.

[ e d @ h a l l e y . c c ]

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