[semi] automatic registration [was hugin beta release]

Yili Zhao ylzhao at vip.sina.com
Wed Oct 15 13:43:08 BST 2003

======= 2003-10-15 10:36:00 Bruno wrote£º=======
>Ptgui and ptmac use libpano directly for optimization.  I once ran
>PTOptimizer through a decompiler and there isn't really much there,
>just a short series of library calls.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
I can imagine that PTOptimizer calls script read function and control
point optimizing function in pano12 to do the task. Do you once decompile PTStitcher?
Also, if you go to PTGui install directory, you will see that there is no
PTOptimizer in the "helper" subdirectory, this also proves that PTGui calls
optimizing function in pano12 directly.

======= 2003-10-15 12:28:00 Edward wrote£º=======

>Did you all see the pointer on the panotools list to the paper from Matthew Brown?
>Look at his paper and also the powerpoint presentation.  Lots of very interesting pointers as to how to do this automatic registration.
>I especially like the idea of the multi-band blending

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
I have mentioned this image blending technique in my previous post, but 
maybe you all have ignored it. [P.J. Burt and E.H.Adelson. A multiresulution
spline with application to image mosaics. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 
217-236, 1983]. You can get this paper at http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/burt83multiresolution.html
and some matlab code at http://www.cs.bu.edu/faculty/sclaroff/courses/cs580/assignments.html

R.Szeliski from Microsoft Research Center also has some good papers on 
panorama mosaics,
1. Creating full view panoramic image mosaics and environment maps.
Computer Graphics, 251-258, 1997.
2. Construction of Panoramic Mosaics with Global and Local Alignment.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 101- 130,2000.

Note: It seems that the second paper is an improvement of the first paper, and all they want to
do image registration automatically and create spherical panorama use many rectlinear images.
Also, if you go to http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/576/03sp/projects/project2/project2.htm,
you will find that there is a skeleton code for panorama mosaic (visual C++) and other interesting things.


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