
JD Smith jdsmith at
Sat Oct 4 18:56:13 BST 2003

A new, free (GPL) power-user's control point picker for Linux, or any
system with Perl/Gtk, is available:

I wrote it after struggling with the Java PTPicker, and various
Windows-only helper applications.  As of yet, it doesn't actually drive
PTOptimizer or PTStitcher, but just reads/edits the control script,
making control point markers very easy to select & modify. It's probably
most similar to the free Windows-only "ControlPoints" program, but has
many more power-user features.  Comments welcome.


P.S. I've already had some reports of trouble on RH9 systems. 
PanoPoints requires Gtk1.x (usually installed by default), and gtk-perl,
*not* (or in addition to) gtk2-perl.  It's possible I'll rewrite it for
gtk2 at some point, but it works well for now.

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