[ptx] Compiling Hugin for Mac/OS X?

Pablo d'Angelo pablo at mathematik.uni-ulm.de
Sun Nov 30 02:03:20 GMT 2003


Great, I have been waiting for a mac user who wants to try
hugin as well.

> I spent some time looking into compiling Hugin for use on Mac OS X 
> (I'm using 10.3.1 at the moment). My first barrier (and the only one 
> visible so far) is the version of make; the INSTALL document 
> specifies the (year old) version 3.80, but OS X only comes with a 
> (slightly customized) version 3.79.

Hmm, it should be possible to compile hugin with 3.79. I use some command
from make 3.80 for building some files needed for internationalization, but
you probably don't need that feature at the moment ;)

If make complains about problems in src/makefiles/rules.mk, try removing
the following lines:

---------------- snip --------------
# pablo: other method to build a dynamic number of targets is to
# create the rules dynamically, here it is done for the .mo files
# $(eval) is only available on make 3.80 and higher. not sure
# if that can be accepted or not. else I have to write an even more
# complicated rule like the one above.

define MO_templ
$(1)/$(2).mo: $(1).po
	@test -d $(1) || $(MKDIR) $(1)
        $(SILENT)$(MSGFMT) -o $(1)/$(2).mo $(1).po

# do not reformat the line below, make 3.80 has a bug that
# stops $(eval) from working correctly if it is surrounded
# by white space.
$(foreach app, $(APPS),\
  $(foreach ling, $(APP_$(app)_LINGUAS),$(eval $(call MO_templ, $(ling),$(APP_$(app)_BIN)))) \
---------------- snap --------------
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