Problems under Debian; Questions

Keir Mierle keir at
Thu Nov 13 21:28:48 GMT 2003

A) Problems

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I can't get Hugin to
work. I think it's a problem with PanoramaTools itself.

When I click the Stitch button in Hugin, a dialog blinks and vanishes. I'm left with a 0 byte output file.

I saved the stitcher script Hugin made to a seperate file. When running
standalone, here's what I get:

$ PTStitcher -o blah.jpg scr.txt
PTStitcher: relocation error: PTStitcher: undefined symbol: readAdjustLine

I'd love to try to figure this out, but I can't find the sourcecode to
PTStitcher / PTOptimizer / etc. I found the source for, but that's
not the whole thing. 

B) Discontinued (???) PanoTools

Is Panarama Tools discontinued? It appears the original author is no longer
maintaining it. Is it time for someone to set up a sourceforge project for it?
With a new project page patches could be integrated and development could

And, is there source for the PT* helper functions?

On the source topic: I'm trying to compile the library, and it seems sys_ansi.h
or sys_x11.h is missing. Where can I find the whole source distribution?

C) Compiling not so easy

Perhaps the README should mention that you have to put the sources for into the source directory in a dir 'pano12'. Eventually I figured
this out, but it would have been easier if the README mentioned it!


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