hugin state

Pablo d'Angelo pablo at
Tue Jun 24 20:59:27 BST 2003

On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Bruno Postle wrote:

> On Fri 20-Jun-2003 at 10:36:03PM +0200, Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
> > 
> > checked in the last states. It should work but does at the moment
> > nothing useful.
> It's coming along nicely and still compiles on redhat-9.
> For anyone who hasn't checked it out from CVS, it seems to have the
> following features mostly implemented:
> *  Loading images (thumbnails are created too).
> *  Lens settings tab, though this isn't complete.
> *  Control-point picker with tabs for selecting images - The
>    mask-matching feature from the last qt version of hugin also
>    works, though it seems to be much slower.

Probably thats because it is compiled without optimization. -O2 makes
it several times faster, but makes debugging harder.

The first time it is slower because it should be a bit more accurate
than the qt version. It has to create properly downsampled images. but
it should work faster with bigger templates now. (I hope).

But actually the "fine tune" is more useful right now (looks in a
neiborhood width/10 by height/10 for the point in the other images).
Usually a very fast and imprecise click is enough to get a good match.

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