wxPanoViewer continue

Bruno Postle bruno at postle.net
Tue Jul 29 17:59:04 BST 2003

On Tue 29-Jul-2003 at 05:09:01PM +0200, Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
> Am 29.07.03, 15:16 +0100 schrieb Bruno Postle:
> > No, my rpm spec file just does does `configure --prefix=/usr; make`,
> > then `cd src/PanoImage; make -f makefile.unx`.
> Does it mean hugin must search in /usr/bin for panoviewer ?

Not if panoviewer is installed somewhere in the $PATH, my rpm just
copies it to /usr/bin/panoviewer where hugin finds it without any

> > (after a bit more playing, I find that this image is updated with
> > every click once I have configured the lens and panorama tabs with
> The lens hfov should get allways 90 degree if unset or zero. I updated
> this yesterday to cvs. (?)

Ah, the panorama hfov defaults to 0 degrees, so the preview image
only works after I've clicked around in the panorama tab.

> > Lens settings tab
> > -----------------
> >
> > This looks much like the Images tab, though the table widget
> > displays hfov, a, b, c, d & e.  After lots of clicking, I can
> Multiselection should work - two clicks. Is it better to preselect all
> images for the first time they get inserted?

Ah, multiselection!  Though the preview image gets restitched once for
every input photo - slow on my celeron 366.

> > Panorama settings
> > -----------------
> >
> > This tab has all the left-over stuff.  The optimize button doesn't
> > seem to do anything, so I guess it hasn't been implemented yet.
> It is implemented and work as something is set to optimize.

So it is, I'm sure I tried this before.

Hey everyone, wxhugin is usable for stitching panoramas; time to
start testing and filing bug-reports.

> You can tear off the Pano settngs tab on the left side with the
> blue button.

Ah! I don't see the tear-off strip unless I hover the mouse over it,
I have to double-click it to get it to detach.

Maybe some of this stuff: optimize-button, panorama-type & panorama
fov should actually be in the toolbar on the top so it is always
visible - I always lose tear-off and pop-up modeless windows.

> Bruno, I see You have no direct developers cvs access. This makes
> Your sources a bit outdate.
> Pablo, I would like to let Bruno get the current cvs state for his
> work.  This would mean he needs developer access - is it ok so?

Pablo already added me as a developer, I'm using the package I built
last night from the developer cvs.


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