[ptx] autopano: first attempt at semi-automatic panoramastitching

Yili Zhao ylzhao at vip.sina.com
Tue Dec 30 02:07:06 GMT 2003

  you mean that hugin provides a kernel for panorama creating, 
and all other program including preprocess, feature tracking, 
parameters optimizing, image blending and stitching depend on it?
  I think PT has some prototype characteristics of the kernel, and
maybe hugin can organize the kernel as a library?


Alexandre wrote:  
>My dream is that the hugin project provides the background code for allowing
>people to work with modules : we could imaging many blending algorithm
>(ptsticher approach, band approach like in matthew's thesis, or anything
>else). Let's make the interface clean to allow that. The key point is to
>keep the core of the subject : having a common way of description : the
>script which stores controls points (if needed), pictures names, matrices,
>Then any algorithm which makes something on the pictures (extract points,
>correlates, etc) should just adjust the description in this script file.
>Working this way will allow us to plug things together well.

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