[ptx] autopano: first attempt at semi-automatic panorama stitching

Sebastian Nowozin nowozin at cs.tu-berlin.de
Sat Dec 27 06:41:36 GMT 2003


I tried to hack up some first prototype program to correlate feature points in
two images. The program is anything but usable for practical purposes but is
just a first shot into the direction of semi-automatic panorama generation. I
would very much like to receive feedback on the underlying ideas and possible
improvements on the algorithms used. (Please do not bother to comment on the
speed, I know its darn slow ;-)

I put up the program and examples (with screenshots! ;) at
and some technical description of the method used can be read at

The program itself is written using C# and Gtk# and was completely developed
under Mono (www.go-mono.com).

If the accuracy of the algorithm is improved and feedback arrives I may be
interested to optimize it and port it for use with hugin, but thats still a
long way to go, as the current version makes just too many mistakes. (I could
imagine some sort of batchmode, where the user first marks all overlapping
image pairs and afterwards runs the correlation all in one batch overnight. For
more explanations on that topic please see the index.html and method.html file)

Thanks for considering,
Sebastian Nowozin

nowozin at cs.tu-berlin.de --- http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/

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