optimizer frame & load/save

Pablo d'Angelo pablo at mathematik.uni-ulm.de
Fri Aug 15 20:35:30 BST 2003

Hallo Kai-Uwe,

Kai-Uwe Behrmann schrieb am Freitag, den 15. August 2003:

> Am 15.08.03, 10:54 +0200 schrieb Pablo d'Angelo:

> Till now I did all - loading of images and loading the project - in an
> directory which gets saved in the huginrc. After each starting hugin
> begins there again and can open any files in this remembered directory.
> Now as we open the project file, we are there in the directory, all files
> get saved at the huginrc directory. After finishing changes. The load
> function of MainFrame changes back to the starting point. Now nothing is
> there, no image no preview ...
> How shall hugins behaviour be? Do we simply skip this feature, or shall
> every part of hugin be aware, where this directory is?

No, ideally no part should be aware where the directory is ;) Actually I
would prefer it if hugin (& panotools) create all their temporary files
in a separate tmp directory (which can be deleted on hugin's exit).

I'm always annoyed when I see temporary files in my working

Probably the easiest thing would be to create a temporary directory
(using tempnam on unix) in a user specified directory (tempnam
defaults to $TMPDIR or /tmp, if $TMPDIR is not set) on startup,
and cd hugin there. 

currently, the project files contain fully qualified path names, so this
shouldn't be a problem. If we do otherwise, then I will to change
the LoadPTProjectCmd so that it creates complete filenames from relative
filenames in the project file. (And strips them down to relative ones on
saving again.)

> Ideally an button in the filebrowser, like 'home directory', but labeled
> with 'last directory', would be nice and after pressing it changing to
> this place.

wxFileDialog looks quite ugly on linux when compared to the kde file

as for the pathes, maybe we should use wxFileDialog::Get/SetDirectory,
or use the directory argument of the wxFileDialog constructor
instead of change the working directory before opening a filedialog and
changing it back after closing it.

Please use PGP

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