[OccupySheffield] [Occupy London] Unemployed / 'Mandatory Work' Scheme

freelance at mailworks.org freelance at mailworks.org
Sun Jan 8 08:50:42 GMT 2012

London Coalition Against Poverty (LCAP) have a Boycott Workfare campaign going, i think their website is boycottworkfare.org but give it a google and it should come up. There were a bunch of leaflets about it in the info tent after Warren,one of the activists,talked about it at TCU. It deffo needs more attention,maybe an afternoon dedicated to formulating strategies of resistance at one of the sites. Could put the scheme on trial at occupied justice,with witnesses affected by it participating?


-----Original Message-----
From: "marknbarrett at googlemail.com" <marknbarrett at googlemail.com>
Sender: OccupyLondon at groupspaces.com
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2012 08:34:03 
To: <occupysheffield at email-lists.org>; occupylondon<occupylondon at groupspaces.com>; London International Commission<ana.sofia.suarez.o at gmail.com>; realdemocracynow<realdemocracynow at groupspaces.com>
Reply-To: marknbarrett at googlemail.com
Subject: [Occupy London] Unemployed / 'Mandatory Work' Scheme

In terms of a strategic focus for Occupy UK generally, or for May actions in particular ( and following earlier discussions on the idea for an 'unemployed and precarious/diverse other workers' union' ):                               I want to draw your attention to today's news (eg it's all over the Sunday Times) outlining the coalition's detailed new welfare for work plans.        This has been on the horizon for some time, is huge  and we need to get our act together on it asap.                                  I don't see Ed Miliband opposing it effectively and constructively but Occupy, in combination with the formation of such a union could def put forward an alternative, and economically productive programme that is genuinely liberating. I hope this issue gets raised in Sheffield and elsewhere 
Sent from phone

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