[OccupySheffield] Please add me to your mailing list! (From occupy edinburgh)

Jennifer Davidson lusterwings at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 20:11:36 GMT 2012

*Hello! Please add me to your mailing lists!

*I am looking forward to the Occupy Edinburgh candle marches. I was
wondering if any of you are planning a similar event? This is going to be
really awesome. As you all know, any public demonstration works to draw in
the attention of the public, or more specifically, gets the attention on
why were are here and what we stand for. This in turn beings more people
who want to help to the occupy movement, and we can't do it without the
For every person you see holding a sign, or in a tent, or doing a flash
mob, there are people planning flash mobs, flash theater, political
demonstrations, and creating petitions. But we need more people willing to
look into petition making and even more people to get out on the street to
collect signatures! If you are getting this email, I wish I could give you
a huge hug. This is what occupy is all about! We stand together for the
same common goal, in solidarity. *

We are the 99%, and we will be listened to!

There are some fantastic links out there for everyone. It is vital that we
stay connected. Please chare this information with godspeed.

(occupy social media site with live chat, over 2000 members.)

(very similar layout to occupii.org, fewer members, different resources)

(list of occupy related sites)

(list of occupy websites by city AND occupy meetup groups on meetup.com)

Jennifer Davis
Occupy Edinburgh supporter

"Every revolution was first a thought in one man’s mind."
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