[OccupySheffield] [Squares] Childrens contribution

Mikifus mikifus at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 15:42:04 GMT 2012


maybe you've heard about the CIC (Catalan Integral Cooperative) poject.
They're actually working with TED, so if this is your idea of how an
alternative economy must grow, the CIC can be interesting for you.

2012/1/2 Anna Harris <anna at shsh.co.uk>

> http://www.ted.com/talks/kiran_bir_sethi_teaches_kids_to_take_charge.html
> Here is another inspiring video about how chikdren can bring about change
> in India. I have been feeling that the ones who will need to lead this
> transition will be the unemployed, the disabled, the homeless, the retired,
> the marginalised for whatever reason, the mentally ill, the women, because,
> though they generally have little money, they have the time. And I was
> forgetting the children, who have so much energy, and time.
> This new union Dawn has been talking about setting up, (Gaia?) should also
> include children, they need to have a voice, and they need to know how
> valuable their contribution can be. I hope we can talk about this at the
> Sheffield conf.
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